
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Enlightened" Marketing Model by Philip Kotler

In the era of technology with the advent of a new social order that clamors for social changes, drastic improvement in the environment, and many other advocacy measures. Then, a new model is propose and we now take a look at a new marketing model, we shall call the "enlightened" 4Ps ------ Probe, People, Proposition, and Postulation. In other words, the "enlightened" 4Ps can be assured up in one straightforward statement. "Probe,People,Proposition and Postulate".\



The enlightened marketing model starts with RESEARCH/PROBE which will provide business companies the basic and more pertinent information to communicate your target market. Companies must probe so that product conceptualization and executions are well-founded. Research/Probe is mandatory when companies go global. Next is PEOPLE ---- whom you are talking to or your target market or your audience, who will read and respond to your messages or surveys. Probing on people is prerequisite to strategic planning. You segment and analyze which target to cater to. Since there are segments in the marketplace which can be our potential and actual buyers of a product. To know them, the marketers would need an analysis to probe on these specific persons, examine their demographics, psychographics, buying behavior and similarities of the people. If the companies know the "people" better, their marketing strategies and campaigns are properly directed. Third, the PROPOSITION --- this is the integration of the classic 4Ps (price, place, product and promotion) by Philip Kotler. The company must propose a product to consumers with contains the necessary features and benefits that can make it sell. The price should properly allocate that can be acceptable to the consumers, while the company earns a profit from pricing strategy/scheme. The place or distribution of the product should be sited in strategic areas or location so that your targeted consumers buy the product in accessible and in a convenient location. Lastly, a promotion proposition or the media proposition that will entice the target to buy your products, services and ideas.

Finally, the POSTULATION. This is a critical component of corporate plan and strategies. Then the company must play the role of a corporate responsibility and espouse issues promoting societal development with a new buzzword. In this era, the company that postulates or offers an advocacy campaign is remembered, Patronized and preferred for a longer period of time.

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